Hertzberg’s Heroes: Vol. I, Issue III
Northeast Graffiti Busters (NEGB)
Welcome to Hertzberg’s Heroes! Every month, Team Hertzberg will highlight an organization or individual who exemplifies heroism through their dedication to making life better for the San Fernando Valley. Have a Hero to suggest? Submit your idea to Senator.Hertzberg@sen.ca.gov!
Northeast Graffiti Busters (NEGB) is one of the premier Los Angeles-based nonprofits devoted to community beautification. Originally called Pacoima Graffiti Busters, NEGB was founded as a quicker, more efficient alternative to city-run beautification services. As its name suggests, much of what NEGB does is graffiti removal. However, the organization also provides a number of other services, including bulky item pickup, sidewalk cleaning, landscaping, weed removal, and bridge restoration, as well as educational and community outreach.
NEGB has locations in Sun Valley and East Los Angeles. NEGB prides itself on fast and reliable service: with NEGB, one can expect issues to be fixed the same day they are reported. Furthermore, NEGB is involved with other organizations in the community, such as ICON (Initiating Change in Our Neighborhood), that support and provide services to small businesses.
While much of what NEBG does is small-scale beautification projects, they have been involved and taken the lead on large-scale initiatives. For instance, NEGB recently led the Haddon Avenue Bridge project. NEGB oversaw the badly-needed rehabilitation of the Haddon Avenue Bridge in Pacoima, and they were able to do it under their budget of $40,000.
Many of the people who work for NEGB have backgrounds in non-profit work and public service. Jorge Quezada, the group’s head of governmental relations, had worked for former Mayor of Los Angeles James Hahn. Other workers for NEGB have earned recognition for their dedication to the cause. Larry Bender, who has worked for NEGB for over 20 years, was the subject of a short documentary entitled “A Day In The Life of an L.A. Graffiti Remover.”
Last year, Northeast Graffiti Busters was part of a community coalition that supported SB 913, a Hertzberg bill to ensure continued funding for community based organizations like NEGB that do abatement work. Senator Hertzberg even joined in the fun and helped paint out some graffiti in Pacoima!
Northeast Graffiti Busters sources most of its work through court referrals. However, members of the community can get involved in the community cleanup days that they organize, and specialists with backgrounds in landscaping and neighborhood beautification can always offer their services.
If you would like to report graffiti or other visual blight, you can call NEGB at (818) 767–7711. You can visit their website at www.negraffitibusters.com, and their Facebook at @northeastgraffitibusters for more information on how to get involved.